Friday, December 14, 2007

Chapter Sixteen - All about hearts

It's that time again folks! Yes that's right, we're revisiting the Vulcan Enclave and the shenanigans of the second and third generations. Are you excited? I know I am. Let us begin, and marvel over their antics. Feel free to point and laugh at any stage.

Hennessy finally gets his promotion, and is eligible for that scholarship. Now we just have to wait for Bryn and Brandi to grow old, and the crazy kids can head off on their college adventures.... Yeah that might take a while.

"I don't think so mister." *Snigger*

"Aww C'mon chicky-babe, all I wants is a little sugar."

Apparently Bryn has had enough time out of the hot-tub to instruct his son on the finer points of wooing. Of course Hennessy being the knowledge sim that he is immediately has to try it out. With limited success.

After much perserverance, Hennessy succeeds in scoring his first kiss with his sisters bestie. And where is Chardonnay whilst this is going on you ask?

"Who's a cute little womrat? You are! Oh jeshjooare!"

I did send her to the market to find a suitable boy to spend the last few days of her teenagehood with, however she got distracted in the pet store (And had no chemistry with the one boy manning the till.)

Hennessy has obviously inherited his grandfathers knack of balancing the need for knowledge with the need for lurvin. He and um...Charlotte? Lorraine? Lauren?'d think by now I would have had the knack for writing down names...but no. Anywho, he now has a steady girlfriend. I'm so proud.

Later on after...Thingy had left for the evening, Hennessy decided to do a little discreet celebration. The dog in the picture is Sparky, I apologise for the lack of any pictures earlier, but Sparky was just a genetic donor really. Not much else to say.

"Yee-haw doggy! I got me a girlfriend!"

Things aren't going so well at Vulcan & Sons Trading Company.....Well for the Imaginary Me's at least. Bryn the scallywag decided to flirt with imaginary me, and then imaginary Lee got all bent out of shape. I'm happy to report that no rankings were lost because of this incident

"I hate you Vulcan! See you tonight so I can wail on your Hammer of Rock?"

It is a little bit of a conundrum for imaginary Lee however. He does hate Bryn, but he also loves Bryns house, which is a bit ungrateful of him considering I downloaded a very nice house with all the modern conveniences for him.

"But you gave me twin toddlers too."

The price you pay for living in the lap of luxury....

"I wonder why Dad didn't find this huge treasure chest when he was digging the foundations.... doo de doo de doo."

The one and only time we dig for treasure and we get a nice chest of phat lewtz! We suspect that Legacy Bay was once the secret lair of pirates! Yay Pirates!

Chardonnay was more than a little miffed that her up-tight brother had more mojo than she did. So she placed a call to her friendly neighbourhood match-maker. Yet another redhead who's name I can't remember off the top of my head appears. Chardonnay wastes no time.

This is the one and only time she will see this boy, I just needed her platinum in order to get her a couple more skill points, and another scholarship. But much like her father, she is able to move fast when she is inspired. Yet another steady relationship is started in the Vulcan household.

"Ooooh! That tickles! Tee hee hee."

Brandi hasn't been wasting her time. She's made a whole passel of toys and has finally made her way up to a gold Toy-making badge. In order to celebrate I let her test her latest creation. As you can see it is hours and hours of entertainment. And the dogs like it too. (And I like it cos then I don't have to wash the dogs so much.)

I haven't played so much this week, I've been busy painting my desk and what have you (I want to make the new monitor I'm getting feel welcome). But there is another chapter waiting for you, so click that link and discover even more adventures of a (not) very Vulcan legacy!


Galena said...

Water wigglers are fun.

Too bad about sim you and sim Lee. Maybe things will be patched up soon.

ASimWen said...

"I wonder why Dad didn't find this huge treasure chest when he was digging the foundations.... doo de doo de doo."

The one and only time we dig for treasure and we get a nice chest of phat lewtz! We suspect that Legacy Bay was once the secret lair of pirates! Yay Pirates!


Bubbs said...

Oh no! Both teens have meaningless relationships with unknown teens!

Dogs love those water wiggles. :)